hello, I’m bryyn, nice to meet you on the internet. I started making music around 2004 in the Chicago neighborhood called Pilsen. After that, I moved to Pittsburgh in 2008 for a year and met Buddy Nutt and Michael Savisky! Then, I moved to Switzerland in 2009 and worked on some more music and released an internet album with Berlin-based net label Ahhh Records. I also met some fun musicians like Alex Allflat, Aurelie Rewki, Entertainment for the Braindead, Jens Ingensand, Lucille Meyer (Dorthee), and Marcin Rewki. I moved back to the USA in 2012 to Akron, Ohio, and worked on a little more music but mostly went for walks in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. In 2015, I moved to Moscow, Idaho, and am looking to meet some musicians in the area.
To say hello, please contact me at flux [atz] bryyn [dott] com.
Bryyn's music is free for downloading at many internet pages. You can also download all the music for free by right-clicking the links here: [https://www.bryyn.com/mp3].
Donations are not necessary, but are appreciated.
Thanks for listening!